School-Based health Center resource Library
The Foundation seeks to create a space to share resources, funding opportunities, and events for School-Based Health Center (SBHC) staff and stakeholders. Explore our growing resource library below!

The Future of School-Based Health Centers in New York
Sally Dreslin, Step Two Policy Project
Step Two discusses the future of school-based health centers (SBHCs) in New York. Our latest Policy Brief examines the services SBHCs provide, who they serve, how they are regulated, and how they are funded. The focal point of the discussion is the proposed transition of SBHCs from Medicaid fee-for-service to Medicaid managed care.

Navigating the Promise of SBHCs: A Guide for Health Care Leaders
Developed by the California School-Based Health Alliance (CSHA)
The CSHA has new guidance for health agencies on how the school-based health center model is different from traditional health care settings, and how medical providers can be successful in delivering quality health care to children and youth in this alternative setting. This document helps to differentiate SBHCs from other practices and equips practitioners, staff, agency leaders and other stakeholders with a deeper understanding on the SBHC model of care.

The Blueprint
Developed by the National School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA)
The Blueprint is a resource designed for people to find and utilize tools, examples, guides, and helpful resources in starting an SBHC. It’s also a place where you can share your resources with the school-based health care field. You will encounter resources developed specifically by SBHA and discover resources that are shared directly from other local, state, or national partners making the Blueprint very rich and diverse. There is a little something for everyone.

SBHC Operations 101
Developed by the California School-Based Health Alliance (CSHA)
This is the CSHA's comprehensive resource section for expanding and enhancing school-based health centers (SBHCs) and school health programs. If you’re looking for funding to maintain services, or seeking to improve or expand services, this is the place to find out how to proceed

Principles and Guidelines for SBHCs in New York State
Developed by the New York State Department of Health
This document provides information on the principles, values, and guidelines for school-based health centers (SBHCs) operating in New York state. This includes services, core staffing, relationships between SBHCs and school communities, organization and function, fiscal operations, data management, facility requirements, and quality management and improvement.

New York State Center for School Health Resource Hub
Developed by the New York State Center for School Health (NYSCSH)
This webpage includes a plethora of resources for SBHCs including data reporting, guidelines/memos/laws, professional learning, and sample forms. They also include more specific resources such as immunization resources, HIV/AIDs resources, learning management systems, medication resources, and school medical director resources.