Free Programs for New Parents and Your Children
Updated: Feb 3, 2023
Original article written by Ashley Marcin for Healthline

Being a new parent is hard work. Along with the sleepless nights, countless diapers, and potty training, there’s the expense of it all.
Below are some of the resources including:
Free formula
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Food Banks
Free Diapers
Free Child Care
Free preschool
Free occupational therapy and behavioral therapy
Crisis help:
If you find yourself in urgent need of an essential item (food, diapers, child care, etc.) and don’t know where to turn, call 2-1-1. This number will connect you with staff and volunteers who can direct you to various resources in your area. You can find anything from help paying your bills to finding food to getting much-needed baby items, healthcare, and more.
You can also call 2-1-1 for support with domestic violence, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, homelessness, or any other crisis situation. Can’t call? You can search for your local 2-1-1 organization and text or search for resources online.