Johns Hopkins modules teach best practices for reducing COVID-19 risks during in-person learning
Original article written Jamie Smith for JHU Hub

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the Consortium for School-Based Health Solutions have launched a series of online educational modules that aim to help school and district leaders plan for and implement in-person instruction when they deem it safe and appropriate to do so. These educational modules focus on a range of best practices and guidance for school leaders, including considerations for implementing public health mitigation strategies such as masking, distancing, ventilation, and creating cohorts of students, as well as screening and testing approaches. According to associate professor and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Consortium for School-Based Health Solutions, Sara Johnson, "The goal of these modules is to provide schools and districts with accessible, practical strategies to help them tackle the responsibility of school reopening that minimizes risk of transmission. The modules can also help them identify gaps in their current plans." With the enormous responsibility faced by schools in safely reopening, professionals who worked on the modules hope they help to streamline the health and safety planning process and provide the kind of tailored support that many schools are asking for.
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To access the School Reopening and COVID-19 modules, CLICK HERE.