More Webinar Opportunities!
Description: Maintaining strong, community-based primary care is more important than ever, especially as COVID-19 profoundly disrupts communities and health care delivery. To protect their staff and reduce community spread, providers have been forced to reduce operations, making it increasingly complex for communities to maintain access to vital services.
Telemedicine is one solution that can sustain communities’ access to care and providers’ access to revenue throughout the pandemic.
PCDC is available to provide technical assistance on initiating and sustaining telehealth services, including deploying standalone and integrated solutions, retooling scheduling, panel management, and population health processes, improving telephonic/virtual communication, and enhancing billing and coding practices.
Time: Wednesday, April 29, 12-1 p.m. EST
Register for this exciting webinar opportunity here
Time: Thursday, April 23, from12-1 p.m. EST
Register for this exciting webinar opportunity here