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"NYC Households With Children Hit Hardest by Economic Loss in Pandemic, Analysis Finds"

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Original article written by Nicole Javorsky for City Limits.

According to census data from the Citizens' Committee for Children of New York (CCC), adults with kids at home are more likely than other New Yorkers to have lost income since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. And among those families, the hardest hit are low-wage working families and Latinos. Analysis of the data shows the impact of childcare on these rate, as 13% of adults living with children in New York City reported not working during the health crisis because they had to be home with their children, who weren’t in school or daycare anymore. “Basically what this tells you is hardship is widespread in New York City, but deeply felt by the people that can least afford to lose income,” says Jennifer March, CCC’s executive director. In order to make up for the lack of childcare, 27% of women report not working to stay at home with their children compared to 11% of men in the same age group, indicating that working mothers experience these burdens more. This loss of income is concerning as when childcare centers begin to reopen, there will be many New Yorkers who do not have the income to cover the costs, especially following the economic strain of recent months.

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